Ohana Dental NJ

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a type of dental prosthetic that protects the entire structure of a weakened or damaged tooth. If you have worn, broken, decayed, or fractured teeth that we can’t fix with a Dental Crowns | Midland Parkfilling, our Midland Park dentists would recommend a dental crown.

At Ohana Dental, we use natural-looking materials for our crowns, so they look like the rest of your teeth. Our high-quality dental crowns mimic the appearance of a healthy, perfectly proportioned tooth structure. If you have multiple worn or broken teeth, Dr. Fukuda and Dr. Venuti can place several dental crowns to rebuild your smile.

Dental crowns at our Midland Park dental office are made from porcelain closely and, when cemented in place, resemble natural tooth structure. Porcelain is available in various shades of white, and it reflects light the way that your teeth do. Moreover, a crown is made to very exact dimensions so that it fits a person’s unique ideal tooth size.

If you have one or more damaged teeth and think a dental crown might be the solution, please call Ohana Dental to get started. The first step is an appointment with one of our dentists to review your situation. We might find that a tooth-colored filling or veneer might be sufficient to protect the tooth.

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